임연원 2006. 1. 12. 13:12

Digital Phosphor Oscilloscope : TDS 3000 Series

TDS 3002B 시리즈(2CH) : 모델 TDS 3012B(100MHz), TDS 3032B(300MHz), TDS 3052B(500MHz)
TDS 3004B 시리즈(4CH) : 모델 TDS 3014B(100MHz), TDS 3034B(300MHz), TDS 3054B(500MHz)
▷ 특 징 (Features)
Digital Phosphor Oscilloscope : TDS 3000B Series
Option TDS3BAT(NiCd Battery pack) of TDS 3000B Series
TDS3BAT (NiCd Battery pack)
Application module being installed for TDS 3000B Series
Application module being installed
  • 500 MHz, 300 MHz and 100 MHz Bandwidths
  • Sample Rates up to 5 GS/s
  • 2 or 4 Channels
  • Full VGA Color LCD
  • 25 Automatic Measurements
  • 9-Bit Vertical Resolution
  • Multi-language User Interface
  • QuickMenu Graphical User Interface for Easy Operation
  • Built-in Ethernet Port
  • e*Scope Web-based Remote Control
  • WaveAlert Automatic Waveform Anomaly Detection
  • Application Modules
  • Advanced Analysis Module for Detailed Design Analysis
  • Telecommunications Mask Testing
  • FFT
  • Two Video Modules for Testing and Troubleshooting
  • Limit Testing for Rapid Go/No-Go Testing
  • Advanced Triggers including Glitch, Runt and Logic
  • Plug-in Printer for Portable Documentation of Results
  • TekProbeTM Level II Interface Supports Active, Differential and Current Probes for Automatic Scaling and Units
  • Centronics Port Standard on all Models for Quick, Convenient Hardcopies
  • Built-in Floppy Disk Drive For Easy Storage and Documentation
▷ 응 용 (Applications)
  • Telecommunications Manufacturing Test
  • Digital Design and Debug
  • Video Installation and Service
  • Power Supply Design
▷ TDS3000B Series Specifications
모 델 TDS3012B TDS3014B TDS3032B TDS3034B TDS3052B TDS3054B
Bandwidth 100 MHz 100 MHz 300 MHz 300 MHz 500 MHz 500 MHz
Channels 2 4 2 4 2 4
Sample rate on each channel 1.25 GS/s 1.25 GS/s 2.5 GS/s 2.5 GS/s 5 GS/s 5 GS/s
Maximum record length 10 K points on all models
Vertical resolution 9 Bits on all models
Vertical sensitivity (/div) 1 mV - 10 V on all models
Vertical accuracy ±2% on all models*1
Max input voltage (1 megaohm) 150 VRMS CAT I on all models (300 V CAT II with standard 10X probe)
Position range ± 5 div on all models
BW limit 20 MHz 20 MHz 20, 150 MHz 20, 150 MHz 20, 150 MHz 20, 150 MHz
Input coupling AC, DC, GND on all models
Input impedance selections 1 megaohm in parallel with 13 pF or 50 Ohm
Time base Range 4 ns - 10 s/div 4 ns - 10 s/div 2 ns - 10 s/div 2 ns - 10 s/div 1 ns - 10 s/div 1 ns - 10 s/div
Accuracy 20 ppm 20 ppm 20 ppm 20 ppm 20 ppm 20 ppm
Display monitor Color LCD
Trigger System
  • Main Trigger Modes - Auto (supports Roll Mode for 40 ms/div and slower), Normal.
  • B Trigger - Trigger after time or events.
  • Trigger After Time Range - 13.2 ns to 50 s.
  • Trigger After Events Range - 1 to 9,999,999 events.
  • External Trigger Input - >1 megaohm in parallel with 17 pF; Max input voltage is 150 Vrms.
Trigger Types
  • Edge - Conventional level-driven trigger. Positive or negative slope on any channel. Coupling selections: DC, noise reject, HF reject, LF reject.
  • Video - Trigger on all lines, odd/even or all fields. With TDS3VID or TDS3SDI trigger on individual lines and on analog HDTV formats (1080i, 1080p, 720p, 480p).
  • Logic (requires TDS3TRG) -
    PATTERN: Specifies AND, OR, NAND, NOR when true or false for a specific time.
    STATE: Any logic state. Triggerable on rising or falling edge of a clock. Logic triggers can be used on combinations of 2 inputs (not 4).
  • Pulse (requires TDS3TRG) -
    WIDTH (or GLITCH): Trigger on pulse width less than, greater than, equal to or not equal to a selectable time limit ranging from 39.6 ns to 50 s.
    RUNT: Trigger on a pulse that crosses one threshold but fails to cross a second threshold before crossing the first again.
    SLEW RATE: Trigger on pulse edge rates that are either faster or slower than a set rate. Edges can be rising, falling or either.
  • Comm (requires TDS3TMT) - Provides isolated pulse triggering required to perform DS1/DS3 telecommunications mask testing per ANSI T1.102 standard.
  • Alternate - Sequentially uses each active channel as a trigger source.
Measurement System
  • Automatic Waveform Measurements - Period, Frequency, +Width, -Width, Rise Time, Fall Time, +Duty Cycle, -Duty Cycle, +Overshoot, -Overshoot, High, Low, Max, Min, P-P, Amplitude, Mean, Cycle Mean, RMS, Cycle RMS, Burst Width, Delay, Phase, Area*1, Cycle Area*1.
    Display any four measurements from any combination of waveforms. Or display all measurements with measurement snapshot feature.

    *1 Requires TDS3AAM module.
  • Thresholds - Settable in percentage or voltage.
  • Gating - Measurements can be gated using the screen or vertical cursors.
I/O Interface Hard Copy Port (standard) - Centronics-type parallel.
Dimensions 375.0mm(W) X 176.0mm(H) X 149.0mm(D)
Weight 3.2kg(Instrument only), 5.2kg(with battery)
*1 Derated at 0.025%/°C for temperatures above +30°C and below +18°C.
▷ TDS3GV Communications Module (Options)
GPIB Port programmability(IEEE -488.2), Full talk/listen modes; Control of all modes, settings and measurements.
VGA Port Monitor output for direct display on large VGA-equipped monitors. DB-15 female connector, 31.6 kHz sync rate, EIA RS-343A compliant.
RS-232 Port interface programmability: Full talk/listen modes; Control of all modes, settings and measurements. Baud Rate up to 38,400. DB-9 male connector.
071-0381-01 Programmer manual
▷ 선택사양(Options)
TDS3TMT Telecom mask testing application module.
TDS3AAM Advanced analysis module.
TDS3LIM Limit test module.
TDS3FFT Fast fourier transform module.
TDS3TRG Advanced trigger application module.
TDS3VID Extended video application module.
TDS3SDI 601 serial digital video module.
TDS3GV GPIB, VGA and RS-232 interfaces.
TDS3BAT NiCd Battery pack for up to 2 hours continuous operation without line power. Note: The instrument must be grounded at all times.
TDS3PRT The TDS3PRT plug-in printer adds easy, portable documentation capability to your TDS3000B or TDS3000 oscilloscope. Just plug it into the back of your oscilloscope and press Hard Copy to get a print of your screen. The printer works where your TDS3000B works - even when operating on battery power.
Note: With TDS3000, printer does not operate on battery power.
016-1907-00 5-roll pack of paper for TDS3PRT plug-in thermal printer.
TDS3CHG Fast charger for battery pack.
AC3000 Soft case for carrying instrument.
HCTDS32 Hard plastic case for carrying instrument.
RM3000 RM3000 - Rackmount kit.
071-0972-00 Service Manual (TDS3000B Series) - English only
071-0381-01 TDS3GV Programmers Manual - English only
WaveStarTM Software for Oscilloscopes - Microsoft Windows 95/98/NT 4.0 Application.
VocalLinkTM Voice Control Software
▷ 선택사양-프루브(Options-Probes)
ADA400A 100X, 10X, 1X, 0.1X high gain differential amplifier.
P6243 1 GHz, <1 pF input C 10x active probe.
P5205 1.3 kV, 100 MHz high voltage differential probe.
P5210 5.6 kV, 50 MHz high voltage differential probe.
P5100 2.5 kV, 100X high voltage passive probe.
TCP202 15 A, DC + peak AC 50 MHz AC/DC current probe.
◈ 카탈로그 사양 보기
▷ Model TDS3012B/TDS3014B/TDS3032B/TDS3034B/TDS3052B/TDS3054B Download Datasheet(PDF file-영문판)
▷ Model TDS3012B/TDS3014B/TDS3032B/TDS3034B/TDS3052B/TDS3054B Download Datasheet(PDF file-한글판)
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