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MPD-1750 본문



임연원 2008. 2. 29. 11:07

  MPD-1750 : MPD-1750

이미지를 클릭하면 원본을 보실 수 있습니다.

Now a days, many of customers want to keey more than 2 different standards into their signal generators.
Due to this kind of needs, MPD-1750's platform's functionality enables you to integrate whatever you need from mobile TV througout MPEG Digital TV. Beyond These signaling functions,
MPD-1750 is devised to accomplish TS analyzing functions as well.
The MPD-1750 broadcasting system generates and records all standards such as ATSC, DVB-T, H, C, S, S2, TDMB, ISDB-T and DMB-TH transport stream.
MPD-1750 has modulator and RF up-conveter (All in one System).
So, this Signal Generator is support from -116dBm to +10dBm.
plus, flexible remote control functions enable you to get easy access from your
master computer. As with all above functions, MPD-1750 is highly optimized system
for designers, R&Ds, manufacturers even module makers.
- All in one System(Encoder + Modulator + Up converter)
- Mulit-Standard Support (Mobile TV, MPEG)
- RF output + IQ output (Optional)
- VHF/UHF/Band 3/L-Band/S-Band Frequency Range
- Full Power Level Range Max Power Support
(-116dBm ~ -+10dBm)
- Precise Power Resoulution (0.1dB Step)
- ASI/SPI Output (TS Output)
- Convenient GUI & Robust, Professional Frame
- RS232C, GPIB TCP/IP Remote Control
- Preview & TS configuration for TS Anslysis
- Automatic Bit-rate & Play time Calculation
- Output Bit-rate Setting(Burst mode/static mode)
Modulation Type : ATSC A/53E
RF Frequency : 47 ~ 862 MHz
Data Rate : 19.392 Mbps
RF Channel : 14~69 selectable RF output
RF Level : +10 ~ -110 dBm
Bandwidth : 6MHz

Modulation Type : QAM Modulation (EN 300 429)
FEC Mode : Annex A, B, C
RF Frequency : 400 ~ 862 MHz
RF Frequency Accuracy : <+-1ppm
QAM Mode : 4, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256 QAM
Bit rate Range : 0 ~ 52.4 Mbps
RF Level : +10 ~ -110 dBm

The FFT size : 2k, 8k
The Code rates : 1/2, 2/3, 3/4, 5/6, 7/8
The Guard Interval : 1/32, 1/16,1/8, 1/4
The Constellation : QPSK, 16QAM, 64QAM
The hierarchical parameter : a=1, 2, 4
SFN and MFN operation : Yes
Bandwidth : 5, 6, 7, 8 MHz

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