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CS-4135A 본문



임연원 2006. 2. 17. 11:00

The CS-4100A Series with excellent cost efficiency were created from a fusion of performance? reliability? operability and design? and realize general-purpose characteristics and inspections ranging from very small to very large signals.
High reliability with Kenwood Original Hibrid ICs

High-intensity CRT (12 kV) (with scale illumination)
Large-aperture (150 mm) CRT with post stage acceleration (12 kV) displays bright and sharp waveforms. The internal graticule eliminates parallax in measurement and the scale illumination is convenient for picture shooting and observations under low light (the CS-4125A uses a 2 kV CRT and does not have the scale illumination.)

Dynamic range with a headroom for accurate waveform display without distortion
As the dynamic range with a headroom assures the linearity of displayed waveforms, waveforms can be displayed without distortion until the upper limit of the frequency band. The CS-4135A provides a wide frequency bandwidth from DC to 40 MHz (-3 dB) between 5 mV/div to 5 V/div while the CS-4125A provides DC to 20 MHz (-3 dB) with the same sensitivity.

High sensitivity of 1 mV/div (DC to 5 MHz)
The vertical axis sensitivity can be varied continually from 1 mV/div to 5 V/div with an attenuator. The 1 mV/div sensitivity is especially powerful in measuring very-low, complicated signals.

Maximum sweep rate of 20 ns/div (x10 MAG)
The sweep rate can be varied continually from 0.5 s/div to 0.2μs/div. The sweep magnification (x10 MAG) allows to magnify the time scale by 10 times with a one-touch operation so that a part of a complicated waveform can be observed in more detail.

FIX sync
The FIX sync function cuts off troublesome procedures for synchronization. Much of the preparation work can be omitted so that the measurement or inspection work can be started more quickly.

One-touch TV sync
The horizontal and vertical video signals can be observed with a one-touch operation. Stable synchronization is assured without the need of synchronizing operation.

Convenient VERT mode
The VERT mode switches the sweep triggering sources automatically according to the vertical axis mode. When the vertical axis mode is CH1, the CH1 signal becomes the trigger source, and the CH2 signal becomes the trigger source when the vertical axis mode is CH2. In ALT mode, CH1 and CH2 signals can be triggered independently even when they have different frequencies.

One-touch ALT/CHOP switching
The ALT and CHOP modes can be switched with a one-touch operation in the 2-phenomena mode. This is convenient in phase-related observation of waveforms.

X-Y Mode
Commences operation as an X-Y oscilloscope with CH1 as the Y-axis and CH2 as the X-axis.

Vertical axis signal output connector
As this connector outputs the input signal at a rate of 50 mV/div, connecting a frequency counter makes it possible to measure the frequency of a very low signal while observing its waveform.

Waveforms can be observed by applying intensity modulation.

Added or subtracted waveforms can be observed.

The trace inclination can be corrected with the front panel operation.

Relay-type attenuators with long life and excellent operability are used.



Model CS-4135A CS-4125A
CRT : Type 150mm rectangular with internal graticule
Accelerating voltage Approx. 12kV  Approx. 2kV
Effective area 8×10 div. (1div=10mm)
Vertical axis (Common for CH1, CH2)
Operating modes CH1, CH2, ADD, ALT, and CHOP
Sensitivity 1mV/div to 5V/div (1mV/div., 2mV/div.±5%, 5mV/div to 5V/div. ±3%) 
Attenuator 1-2-5 steps, 12 ranges, and fine adjustment

Frequency response

DC DC to 40MHz (-3dB) (5mV/div. to 5V/div.) DC to 20MHz (-3dB) (5mV/div. to 5V/div.)
DC to 5MHz (-3dB) (1mV/div. to 2mV/div.) DC to 5MHz (-3dB) (1mV/div. to 2mV/div.)
AC 10Hz to 40MHz (-3dB) (5mV/div. to 5V/div.) 10Hz to 20MHz (-3dB) (5mV/div. to 5V/div.)
10Hz to 5MHz (-3dB) (1mV/div. to 2mV/div.) 10Hz to 5MHz (-3dB) (1mV/div. to 2mV/div.)
Input impedance 1MΩ ±2%, Approx. 23pF
Rise time Approx. 8.75ns (40MHz) (5mV/div. to 5V/div.) Approx. 17.5ns (20MHz) (5mV/div. to 5V/div.)
Approx. 70ns (5MHz) (1mV/div to 2mV/div.) Approx. 70ns (5MHz) (1mV/div. to 2mV/div.)
Crosstalk Below -40dB (at 1kHz sine wave)
Polarity inversion CH2 only
Maximum input voltage 800V p-p or 400V (DC AC peak)
CHOP frequency Approx. 250kHz
Horizontal axis (CH2 input)
Operating modes Switch to X-Y on CH1 : Y-axis / CH2 : X-axis
Sensitivity Same as CH2 vertical axis
Input impedance Same as CH2 vertical axis
Frequency response DC : DC to 500kHz (-3dB) / AC : 10Hz to 500kHz (-3dB)
X-Y phase difference Within 3 degrees at 50kHz
Sweep : Sweep time 0.2μs/div. to 0.5s/div. ±3% 0.5μs/div. to 0.5s/div. ±3% (0.2μs/div. : UNCAL)
1-2-5 steps, 20 ranges, and fine adjustment
Magnified sweep (×10MAG) ×10, ±5% ×10, ±5% (0.2μs/div. : UNCAL) 
Linearity ±3%(×10MAG : ±5%) ±3% (0.2μs/div:UNCAL) (×10MAG : ±5%, 20ns/div. : UNCAL)
Triggering : Trigger sources VERT, CH1, CH2, LINE and EXT
Trigger coupling AC, TV-F and TV-L
  NORM INT 10Hz to 20MHz 1.5div. 10Hz to 5MHz 1div.
EXT 0.25Vp-p 0.2Vp-p
INT 20MHz to 40MHz 2div. 5MHz to 20MHz 1.5div.
EXT 0.3Vp-p 0.3Vp-p
AUTO INT 50Hz to 20MHz 1.5div. 50Hz to 5MHz 1div.
EXT 0.25Vp-p 0.2Vp-p
INT 20MHz to 40MHz 2div. 5MHz to 20MHz 1.5div.
EXT 0.3Vp-p 0.3Vp-p
EXT LINE 0.2Vp-p LINE 0.2Vp-p
FIX INT 50Hz to 40MHz 2div. 50Hz to 20MHz 2div.
EXT 0.5Vp-p 0.5Vp-p
External trigger : Input impedance 1MΩ, Approx. 23pF

Maximum input voltage

84V p-p or 42V (DC ACpeak)
Calibration voltage 1V p-p±3% (Square wave, 1kHz, positive polarity)
Intensity modulation : Input voltage TTL level (dark for positive voltage)
Input impedance Approx. 5kΩ
Frequency response DC to 3.5MHz
Maximum input voltage 84V p-p or 42V (DC AC peak)
CH1 Signal output
Output voltage Approx. 50mV/div. (loaded 50Ω)
Output impedance Approx. 50Ω
Frequency response 100Hz to 20MHz (within ±3dB, loaded 50Ω) 100Hz to 10MHz (within ±3dB, loaded 50Ω)
Trace rotation Enables trace rotation adjustment from front panel
Environmental condition 10°C to 35°C, 85% or less (temperature/humidity for characteristics in spec.)
Operation conditon 0°C to 40°C, 85% or less (temperature/humidity for operation)
Power source 100/120/220/230V AC ±10% (250V AC maximum), 50/60Hz
Power consumption 30W maximum
Case dimensions 290 (W)×150 (H)×390 (D) mm
Maximum dimensions 290 (W)×172 (H)×443 (D) mm
Weight Approx. 6.9kg Approx. 6.6kg
Accessories Instruction manual (1) / Probe (PC-54) (2) / Power cable (1)

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