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- 오블완
- 내전압시험기
- 000 화신계기 ac power source cvft1-200h 2대 390
- 000 Fluke AC CLAMP METER 72-5090 1대 \16
- 000 JFW AC Power Analyzer PA-2100 1대 \870
- 000 Escort AC Digital Clamp Meter Hioki 3261 Hioki NEW Attenuator High Power Attenuator HP8498A 1대 \300
- 보유계측기는 항상 바뀌니까 날짜 확인 바랍니다 계측기수리 전문 태평계측기 홈페이지 http://cafe.daum.net/tpm8657 휴대폰 010-9135-2888 전화 032-589-8657 070-7539-8657 담당:임연원 이메일 :limyounwon@hanmail.n
- 산업용품상가8-306) 구주소:인천광역시 동구 송현동 129 산업용품상가 8동306호 품명 모델 수량 단가가격 maker 부가세별도 금액 입니다 ac current probe fluke80i-600 1대 \50
- 000 fluke ac digital clamp meter hioki 3261 hioki attenuator rotary 50dr-003 3대 \150
- 태평계측기
- 000 화신계기 AC Power Source CVFT1-200H 2대 390
- 보유계측기는 항상 바뀌니까 날짜 확인 바랍니다 계측기수리 전문 태평계측기 홈페이지 http://cafe.daum.net/tpm8657 휴대폰 010-9135-2888 전화 032-589-8657 070-7539-8657 담당:임연원 이메일 :limyounwon@hanmail.net 신주소:인천광역시 동구 방축로37번길 30 (송현동
- E3631A
- bird
- spectrum
- 000 audio generator sag-102a 1대 \ 75
- Power Supply
- 산업용품상가8-306) 구주소:인천광역시 동구 송현동 129 산업용품상가 8동306호 품명 모델 수량 단가가격 Maker 부가세별도 금액 입니다 AC CURRENT PROBE Fluke80i-600 1대 \50
- Telewave
- 티스토리챌린지
- watt meter
- 000 ez digital current amp tm503a +a6303 1조 \900
- 000 jfw ac power analyzer pa-2100 1대 \870
- DC Power Supply
- 000 화신계기 AC Volt Meter HS-7016 1대 \20
- 000 HP Attenuator Rotary 50DR-003 3대 \150
- 000 AV Power AC Watt Meter HSW-7013 5대 \35
- Power Meter
- Today
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목록신품장비/정진전자 (19)
MPD-1510 : Broadcasting Signal Generator For CMMB,ISDB-T,DVB-T/H,DVB-C,ATSC,DMB-TH,TDMB,DAB,DAB+ -SELECTED APPLICATION 1) Receiver Designer 2) Receiver Manufacturer 3) Module Maker 4) Content Provider 5) A/S Center * Input and Output Spec. 1) Input condition - Analog I&Q Signal, 223mVrms (0dBm) 2) Output Condition - Frequency: Band: 50MHz ~2700MHz (Resolution: 1Hz) not fixed. - Phase Noise: -95..
MPD-1850 : CREDIX MPD-1850 is a Multi-tasking Broadcasting signal generator. It supports all Digital & Mobile TV Standard such as DVB-T/H, DVB-C, DTMB(DMB-TH/ADTB-T), ATSC, Open, Cable, ISDB-T, SBTVD T-DMB, CMMB and IPTV. Now a days, many of customers want to keep more than 2 different standards into their generator. For this needs, MPD-1850'''''''''''''''' platfrom''''''''''''''''s functionali..
MPD-1650 : MPD-1650 MPD-1650 is DMB/DAB Encoder that has Ensemble Multiplexing, OFDM Modulator and RF Up converter in one unit. MPD-1650 fully supports for Korean, Chinese and German TDMB even European DAB and this system has the function of Audio/Video real time encoding, MUSICAM, data encoding. So, MPD-1650 enables you to cope with the various TDMB/DAB transmitting environments and you can ea..
CSG-101 : CSG-101 is Ultimate integrated RF Signal Generating system. It is built up based on China Mobile Multimedia broadcasting standard, So Called CMMB, It is fully compliant with CMMB standard (GY/T 220.1-2006). It has OFDM modulator and RF up converter fully covers from 50MHz to 1GHz. The output level can be controlled from 110dBm to 10dBm with 0.1dB step and remote control functions enab..
MPD-1508 : Broadcasting signal generator MPD-1508 (mobile TV TDMB) is compact sized and low price RF signal generator for TDMB standard. It is very useful for QC/QA test of digital Audio, Video and even Data service. So, you don’t have to tighten your belt for Signal Generator any more. MPD-1508 fully covers various frequency range such as Band III(174MHz ~ 1,250MHz) and Band L(1,452MHz ~ 1,4..
MPD-1750 : MPD-1750 Now a days, many of customers want to keey more than 2 different standards into their signal generators. Due to this kind of needs, MPD-1750's platform's functionality enables you to integrate whatever you need from mobile TV througout MPEG Digital TV. Beyond These signaling functions, MPD-1750 is devised to accomplish TS analyzing functions as well. The MPD-1750 broadcastin..
MPD-1700 : MPD-1700 MPD-1700 is the ultimate integrated and engineer oriented RF signal generating system. It is built up based on japanese Mobile TV standards, and Digital TV standards. MPD-1700 has modulator, and RF up-converter function as well. The output power level can go up to +10dBm and remote control function enable you to get comfortable manipulating for the mass manufacturing factori..
All In One One SEG (ISDB-T) Test System CIG-2000 ISDB-T Signal Generator CIG-2000은 One SEG 단말기 개발시 필요한 방송 신호원의 생성을 하여 현지와 같은 방송 환경을 지원하며,일본의 여러 방송사의 방송신호를 보유하고 있어 개발 및 양산에 가장 적합한 Solution을 제공합니다. CIG-2000은 기본적으로 All In On..
MPD-1600 : Mtv-Producer DAB/DMB Encoder MTV-PD DMB MPD-1600은 한국형, 중국형, 독일형 DMB및 유럽형 DAB 규격을 FULL 지원하는 DMB앙상블 멀티플렉싱 및 OFDM Modulation 기능을 가지고 있는 Software입니다. 또한 자체적으로 MUSICAM 엔코딩 기능 및 Data 엔코딩기능을 내장하고 있습니다. 기본으로 제공되는 DMB TS파일과 오디오 및..
MPD-1610 : Mtv-Producer DAB/DMB Encoder MTV-PD DMB Standard MPD-1610은 앙상블 멀티플렉싱, OFDM Modulator, RF-UP Converter를 내장한 All-IN One Type의 DMB/DAB Encoder 입니다. 한국형, 중국형, 독일형 DMB및 유럽형 DAB 규격을 FULL 지원하고 자체적으로 MUSICAM 엔코딩 기능 및 Data 엔코딩 기능을 내장하고 있습니다. 기본으로 제공되는 DMB..